All of the modes that are available in WoW cataclysm Gold make appearances in including games as quick match league cups, training and the master league mentioned earlier. Training mode is where players can participate in a free, basic training mode, an introduction to the game mode, where you'll learn the basics of making your game better; and an arcade mode where you aim to score points while improving your skills. The game, again has an edit mode, which lets you personalize the players and teams.

Like the game of last year there aren't any officially licensed clubs within WoW Cataclysm Classic, but despite this WoW Cataclysm Classic has an impressive 50 nations, and over 60 fake clubs that can all editable to reflect your favourite clubs. Names and positions, their numbers, and capabilities can all be changed and new players are also able to be made, but given the number of players that already are it's almost absurd to need to add more. In spite of this, the option to create more players is readily available, with numerous stats and appearance options.The vast array of players that play WoW Cataclysm Classic is doubly impressive when you take the amount of detail that has been put into the new players' models to play the game. The players featured in this year's game are an improvement over last year's in terms of close-up features, as well as far more realistic facial features and body models. While playing, the players look stunning and move extremely fluidly, due in no small measure to the numerous animated sequences added to this year's championship. Everything from the basic actions of the players to extremely realistic ball physics contribute to creating an incredible realistic experience. Six new stadiums are available that are part of WoW Cataclysm Classic, and each of those that were in the first game have received additional coatings. Each stadium, both old and new, is looking fantastic and comes with all the details that you'd expect. This includes flags which are waved by fans of the home team and fantastic rain effects.

Audio for WoW Cataclysm Classic is getting well. This year, five distinct audio commentary tracks are accessible which include English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. The five commentary tracks all have been very well-received and flow perfectly with the game. When the games are on, the noise of the crowd is intense and packed with cheers, gasps as well as chants and occasionally a trumpet. The majority of the music played during the build was electronic tracks that sounded like European, and were not too bad to enjoy.

The highly realistic and thrilling gameplay you enjoyed in the last edition of WoW Cataclysm Classic looks just as good, if perhaps better the new buy WoW cataclysm Gold.