Making its first appearance in the original Diablo in 1997, The Butcher has become one of the franchise's most iconic enemies and Diablo 4 Items a mainstay of the series. Though slightly smaller than his Diablo 3 counterpart, The Butcher's unsettling appearance and its ability to randomly spawn into dungeons and cellars to ruin an otherwise flawless run has made him the bane of many Diablo 4 players' existence. Standing in stark contrast to The Butcher's hulking frame, some Diablo 4 players have been amused by the hilariously undersized Butcher's Cleaver trophy for mounts that it occasionally drops upon death.

Bizarre Diablo 4 Bug Turns The Butcher Into a Pacifist

In a new post on the Diablo 4 subreddit, a Reddit user shared a video of themselves cheesing The Butcher after the superboss spawned in a hilariously inopportune location. The video shows the player battling The Butcher while staying safely out of reach of its attacks thanks to the bloodthirsty brute spawning behind a locked door. Rather than being forced to run around the arena to avoid its punishing attacks, the unexpected bug let the lucky Reddit user cheese The Butcher in Diablo 4 by whittling away its health without fear of reprisal.

Some Reddit users responding to the video shared stories of their own encounters with The Butcher, with several replies stating that they'd lucked out by having the boss spawn right as they activated one of Diablo 4's Conduit Shrines. Others took the opportunity to decry the often-underwhelming loot dropped by The Butcher, with several replies bemoaning the fact that defeating one of the game's most powerful bosses doesn't guarantee a worthwhile reward. Showing that this method of cheesing The Butcher is nothing new for the series, one Reddit user simply replied, "This is how I killed him the first time…Back in D1."

While taking advantage of broken level geometry to bring down The Butcher may not be most players' first plan of attack, it's hard to pass up an opportunity to defeat one of Diablo 4's toughest bosses with minimal effort. And given the fact that attempting to outmaneuver The Butcher can be a surefire way to meet an untimely end, taking potshots from behind a locked door was definitely the safest option available.

Diablo 4 players have been getting hounded by a repetitive in-game message that indicates cross network play being enabled, and the notifications seem to be growing even more frequent. Blizzard's dungeon-crawling action RPG Diablo 4 has been a major hit as it approaches its first season later this month. Even though fans are eager for the new content, there are many who still remain frustrated over the game's ongoing headaches.

Like many other online RPGs or MMOs, Diablo 4 features a notification feed on the bottom right side of the screen, which keeps players up to date on recent happenings in their surroundings, such as NPC dialogue or actions of other nearby players. In the past weeks, some fans have been memeing a specific Diablo 4 message that keeps relentlessly popping up in players' message boxes. The bright yellow message lets players know that they have cross network play enabled, even when they've turned the option off. While seemingly harmless at first, the message can become annoying and even distracting to a lot of players as it continues to buy d4 mats repeatedly fill up the message box.