"Clash of Clans" is a strategy mobile game where players build and upgrade buildings, train troops to protect their villages and attack other players to obtain resources. The game combines multiple elements such as construction, strategy, and battle. Players need to make reasonable layouts, defend and attack, and challenge opponents from all over the world. If you want to join the challenge, choose mmowow accounts!

Clash of Clans is an epic battle strategy game. In the game, players play as primitive people. They can build villages, and then build resource buildings that regularly supply gold coins and drinking water to maintain the development of the village. They continue to train tribal soldiers to provide stable and powerful combat forces and fight with thousands of netizens.

Initially, players can choose the computer AI's Orcs and Goblin (Fairy) tribes as the main opponents. When they are confident in themselves, they can challenge their player fortresses. If they are strong enough, they can even destroy their opponents' homes and countries!

Players who fail to defend will have a 12-hour (16-hour serious failure) protection mechanism, during which time they can rest and rebuild their homes and accumulate strength for revenge.

The game composition is quite delicate, like a little doll. The American 3D three-head animation style people running and moving in the fortress are quite funny. The bright and open scene is very open-minded under the bright colors of the blue sky and green land and the casual music.

Here are some common questions:

[1] How to join a guild:

The prerequisite for joining a guild is to build a tribal fortress first (that tower-shaped thing, you need to build it to become good, otherwise it will be broken or damaged)

[2] How to avoid being attacked:

When you are online, others will not attack you because they cannot find you. When you have protection time, others will not attack you because you have protection.

[3] Where to get money:

1. Stand-alone version, click on the small map in the lower corner, and a thing that looks like a progress map will appear on the right side of the screen, and then play it bit by bit. This way of playing is determined by yourself according to the form of the level. The first 100 levels are not difficult, so I won’t say more. You can learn more about the rest. By the way, there is no time limit for playing this, so you can play it at will.

2. Grab money: It is the same small map as before, the one on the left. Each time you search, you will pay the corresponding gold coins and get the formation of people with the corresponding cup number range (that is, other people's homes). You can earn more money by doing this, but there is a time limit of 3 minutes. The specific method of grabbing money is not discussed here and will be discussed later.

【4】 How to layout:

My personal opinion is that it doesn't matter before 5th book, you can lay it as you like. You can't stop the people who attack you at this level, and the high-level people won't attack you. It is very important after 5th book. Each level has a corresponding layout. You can refer to the posts in the article for details, or search on the Internet, and you can find one you like.

It is mainly divided into protecting cups and protecting resources:

1. Protect money: When the locals attack you more than 50%, the enemy will get the corresponding cup reward. Of course, this reward is taken from you, but it depends on your current state. If you are in the stage of making money, then don't protect the cup. Putting your base at the outermost has the following advantages: when an enemy attacks you, it is easy to destroy your base. If the damage exceeds 50%, you will be given 12 hours of protection, and then others will not be able to reach you. If you attack others, the protection will be invalid.

2. Protecting the cup: This is usually only used after level 8 or 9 because there is a reward, that is, if your formation has not been destroyed for a certain period, there will be a corresponding reward. I will talk about it when you reach a higher level. It is useless.

[5] How to protect your resources:

When you are ready to go offline or go to sleep, it is very simple. Use the money to paint the walls, spend all the money, build your soldiers, and then fill the barracks with bombs. There are two reasons: 1. Bombs are the most damn wasteful. If you fill them up, most of your water will be here, but because your base is already full, it will not go into progress. 2. When you go online, all the water will be canceled and 100% of the water will be returned to you. Hehe, by the way! Except for building soldiers in the barracks, all other cancellations will be returned at 50%.

【6】The purpose of the number of cups:

Many new players are wondering what the cup (the one in the upper left corner) is for. Let me explain: the cup is mainly a standard for determining your current sphere of influence. When you attack others, the person in front of you must be someone with a similar number of cups as you and the same goes for the person who attacks you. There is a task where you pour 1250 cups and get 450 gems. This is to encourage you to upgrade the cup. My advice is: don't think about it before 6 books, and talk about it after 6 cups. If you need it, shout in the guild group and I will give you a high-level guild soldier.

1. When you want to make money, you must check your current cup number. For 5 books, control it to around 700. Don't go higher. If it's higher, you can't beat it. For 6 books, it's 800, for 7 books, it's 900-1000, and for 8 books, it's 1100-1700. If it's higher, you're also a master and won't listen to me. Why should you control it in this range? Because this range is a little bit below your strength, and it's not hard for you to fight, brother. If the cup is higher, it doesn't matter. Go and fight others, put a soldier and leave, just admit defeat, and your cup will come down.

2. There are only a few types of soldiers to fight others under 7 books:

When you encounter a grid array, each building is tightly wrapped. This requires you to be a fat man, mm, archer, bomb, a bomb explodes, the fat man attracts firepower, bows, and arrows shoot, and you can go home.

When you encounter a return array, you can use the fat man, bomb, and goblin. First, place the fat man to attract firepower. When the bomb explodes, the fat man will go in. At this time, the firepower is all on the fat man. Quickly place the goblins together. The money, beams, and women will all be yours!

3. In addition to high defense, there are fat men, beards, bombs, and balloons. This is not difficult. Kill the defense of Ya Ting and then place the balloons. However, it is too slow to get up early, so it is not recommended.

4. There are also high-level Pekkas, Angels, and Dragons. I won’t talk about them. When you have these things, you are more awesome than me.

6. Siege operations, why not talk about it together with making money? I think this is a technical job. I can’t say anything in words. Go to the video website to watch videos. Watch 100 videos and you will see the wonders!

[7] Do you need to spend money to buy gems:

My suggestion is: it depends on your habits. But I still think it is better to buy all the peasants. It is not recommended to spend a lot of money. The main thing about this game is time. As long as you have enough time, you can still be awesome without spending money. However, it is difficult to earn money after reaching level 8. Walls after level 8 are too expensive.

【8】 How to take revenge:

This is a bit interesting. There is an envelope-like thing in the lower left corner. All the people who pass by you and their videos are here. The red dialog box is for revenge! You have to think about whether you can beat them.

【9】About gems

There must be many new players who just started playing the game like me. I don’t know how to use them. I think they are the same as gold and water.

Here I want to tell you not to use the gems given to you. They are very useful in the later stage. You should pay attention to the number of your farmers (construction workers). The number of farmers represents the number of people who can work. When there are no farmers idle, if you want to upgrade the building, a prompt message will appear, telling you that you need to spend gems. At this time, don’t click to use gems. The data of spending gems is converted into gems based on the remaining time of your farmers. Let this farmer finish the work instantly and then you can do the work of issuing instructions.

Don't use it in the early stage. When your cup count reaches 1250, the system will give you 450 gems, plus you complete other tasks (there is a beautiful woman on the upper left. Click it and it will show your tasks and the progress of completion. When you complete it, you will be given the corresponding number of gems. Click the green one to get it. How to complete the task, Baidu translates and studies it yourself).

All gems are purchased for farmers.

[10] When to choose to upgrade

1. For the first 5 books (base camp or base, what it looks like, we men and women can understand it ourselves), I won't say much. Don't use the gems given to you. Save them for later use.

2. What are the necessary and primary conditions for upgrading?

First, brush the wall! When preparing to upgrade the base, first look at your wall and click to see if it can be upgraded. As long as it can be upgraded (gold coins), don't upgrade it. Honest buddies brush money. The specific method of brushing money has been mentioned in the previous article.

Second, look at your basic defense buildings. The Chinese name is: anti-aircraft gun or cannon, which is a black barrel, arrow tower, and cannon, and after level 5, there will be a magic tower, electric tower, and crossbow (friends with crossbows, don't look at it, you are already awesome). Can these defenses be upgraded? As long as they can be upgraded, you still go to make money.

Third, collectors (gold coins, water, and oil at level 8) This depends on personal choice. If your resources mainly rely on robbing, then harmony things don't matter. If you want to be self-sufficient, then upgrade, but I recommend doing something that is not done together.

Fourth, barracks, arms (the one that gives soldiers stars), magic sheds, it depends on you. If you want to rob money quickly, it's better to upgrade it. But mainly, the main upgrade stars: mm, fat man, goblin, these are your important arms for making money in the early stage.

Fifth, money storehouse and reservoir, don't hesitate. Don't upgrade if you are not satisfied with this. Because after upgrading, a lot of resources will be used to add new buildings.

Well, if you are ok with these things, and you have the money to upgrade the base, then don't hesitate to upgrade it.

Let me say a little more. When you upgrade the base, it will take a long time. You can use this time to calculate it yourself. At this point when the base is upgraded, make sure your money and water are full. Because at this time you need to build new buildings, arms, fortifications, and most importantly, walls. A lot of resources will be used.

In Clash of Clans, gems are an important currency with multiple uses that can greatly improve the game experience and progress.

The following are the main uses of gems:

Speed ​​up construction and upgrades: Gems can be used to complete the construction or upgrade of buildings immediately, saving players waiting time.

Speed ​​up troop training: Players can use gems to speed up troops in the training camp so that the army is ready faster.

Purchase resources: Gems can be used to directly purchase gold coins, holy water, and dark heavy oil to help players quickly increase resource reserves.

Speed ​​up hero recovery: Heroes need time to recover after being injured in battle. Players can use gems to speed up the recovery process so that heroes can return to battle faster.
Buy decorations and value-added items: Gems can be used to buy village decorations and other value-added items to increase the personalization and beauty of the village.
Unlock builders: Gems can be used to buy additional builders, allowing players to carry out more construction and upgrade operations at the same time, improving construction efficiency.
Participate in special events: Some game activities may require the use of gems to participate, and players can obtain additional rewards through these activities. If necessary, please select clash of clans buy gems.